

Interracial Dating Controversies

Disclaimer: This is another touchy subject. I am almost afraid to even say anything about it but that is also what encouraged me to actually say something. I have been following multiple interracial dating websites, blogs, Facebook pages and YouTube channels for the past few months. The…

Online Dating Experience

So, a few months ago I decided to put myself out there ( per se), and signed up on an online dating site. Since I have experienced it for a few months now, I feel I'm ready to give my take on it. I won't…

What If You Could Love Me?

What if you could love me? Would you love me past my scars, past my hurt, past my past? Love me past the pain that has haunted me for years. The pain that showed me more commitment than I have experienced with anyone else. What…

Put It Down! Don’t Pick It Up Again.

Your Facebook page is flooded with engagement pictures, engagement rings, and pregnancy announcements. It's 2 in the morning and you are fighting the urge to give anything the benefit of thinking about it. All ( well, most of them) of your friends are getting married…