
What to Consider Before Your Next Relationship

The answers should start with you. It should revolve around your lessons learned and your goals for your life. If you’re a spiritual person it should revolve around aligning yourself with God’s will for your life, keeping in mind that His will won’t go against His word. So, before you decide to give another relationship a try it really benefits you to spend some time with yourself. Take note of your flaws, your highs and lows, your likes and dislikes and not just what they are but why you feel that way. If you can’t understand yourself then how can you expect a significant other to understand you and one of the biggest problems in relationships is a lack of communication and understanding.

So often we don’t even understand ourselves, we don’t know exactly what we want, we don’t consider what we actually need yet we are willing to invite another living, breathing, feeling human being closely into our lives and move “forward” with them. When it’s put like that it’s a bit disturbing huh? So if you’re single right now and someone was very interested in getting to know you before you’ve taken some time to get to know yourself post lessons and time, how could you honestly and accurately express to them what you want? The reality is that you truly can’t but so often people just say cliché responses and get swept away at the feeling of something new, someone new.

Hello and welcome to a glimpse into my world. I am Curtrice Williams. A southern woman born and raised in Alabama. I am 29 years old, and a mother to a wonderful 6 year old son. I am a writer committed to walking in my God given purpose. I currently work for the founder of Gentlemenhood, Pierre Alex Jeanty, as his assistant and as the editor of this website. Along with that I am the Co-Founder and face behind Gentlewomenhood. I'm a senior at the University of Alabama at Birmingham majoring in Health Education with a special concentration in Human Services. I am also the executive assistant for the fashion brand "Splashed By DKG". Motherhood, writing, education, and fashion are motivating aspects of my life, I view it all as an outlet to touch others. Gentlewomenhood is something I place a lot of my heart into, it is a beautiful way of expression that can educate, motivate, and uplift others in ways only they can truly express. It takes more than one person to make a difference in this world, but by using our gifts we can together be the change we would like to see in this world. Join me into a movement of education, clarity, inspiration, motivation, and uplifting! You may follow my handles: Instagram & Twitter @gentlewomenhood. Email: gent.assistant@gmail.com. The fashion page that I am connected to is @splashedbydkg on Instagram & Twitter, and Splashed by DKG on Facebook; the official website is www.splashedbydkg.com.

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