
Why This Generation Has The Wrong Idea of Love.

2 – We let fear conquer all instead of love:

Fear keeps us from ever opening our hearts to love.  We let the thought of getting hurt, over-power the possibilities of love. Instead of treating our hurts and healing from them, we cover up the wounds and use the wounds as a reminder to keep our walls up.  Being courageous when it comes to love, its foolishness to us. The quote “Love conquers all” is backwards to us, “all” seems to conquer love in our eyes.

Pierre Alex Jeanty is regular guy who sees things different from the majority. He is the founder of Gentlemenhood. A full time blogger, Author, social media specialist, health nut, Certified Life Coach and most importantly a disciple of Christ. Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti now Alex resides in Lehigh Acres, Florida where he focuses on making a difference in this world.

This article has 4 comments

  1. Pingback: #love #fear #misunderstanding | lilbee93


    Agreed. I’ve definitely been guilty of the point “True love is considered old school:” and have had a 3 year relationship ended because I wasn’t “loving” enough. I treated that girl like dirt at times because of my own angst. I had those very fears which made me keep walls up.

    I’ve learned since and am trying harder to keep my walls down in my current relationship.

    • gentlemenhood

      I can def understand. It’s tough but as long you learned from your past mistakes and willing to do better now you’re on the right track

  3. Colleen Elizabeth

    Wow, this seriously struck me because it is so true. I’ve had this conversation with so many people as of late. A lot of the problem is people have no passion anymore, refers to what you said about “robots looking for a real experience”. How do you expect to have a “real” experience without allowing yourself down that path. Everything in life is work, including love, and if a person is not willing to put the effort into anything that what do you expect to gain from life.

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