
Interracial Dating Controversies

Disclaimer: This is another touchy subject. I am almost afraid to even say anything about it but that is also what encouraged me to actually say something. I have been following multiple interracial dating websites, blogs, Facebook pages and YouTube channels for the past few months. The…

Date With A Purpose

We have allowed society to play a role in every aspect of ourselves from what we should wear to how we date. There is an endless list of dating rules dos and don'ts but there isn't a flashlight illuminating courtship and the dating process on…

Online Dating Experience

So, a few months ago I decided to put myself out there ( per se), and signed up on an online dating site. Since I have experienced it for a few months now, I feel I'm ready to give my take on it. I won't…

Underlying Issues in Interracial Dating

I am a Haitian woman who is open minded in regards to dating in or outside of my race. I am also a person who likes to see all four angles of a quadrilateral so I could not help but look into what is NOT being fully talked about in the…