
The Single Mom’s Guide

Hello love, good morning, good afternoon, whatever time of day it is I greet you with the kindest regards.  Every mother has their own story, and I know that each of you have gone through things that only a person who has been through as well could relate to.  What I want to express to you is that the very fact that you made it all of this time and up until this very moment means you are a woman of strength.  Don’t ever forget that.


Sure you are a mother, and no you aren’t married, and maybe you’re not even in a relationship.  You have been holding things down on your own, and if not entirely on your own at least for the most part.  Now that is out of the way, I want you to think about all of the things you are and all of the things that you do have.

In today’s society we are in a moral decline. The popular thing to do is to be an easy catch, to share a man with another woman, and in some cases to chase after a man for his love and attention.  All of these things are detrimental to your self-worth.  What you do well to realize is your previous relationships and your current relationship status does not define your worth.  Remember, a diamond goes through a vigorous process to become the beautiful and eloquent piece you see in a jewelry store.

Accept your past and everything you went through to get to where you are today.  That vigorous process birthed a beautiful woman so do not settle for less.  Look to the future with happiness in your heart that radiates everywhere you go.  Sometimes it takes more than one time to get something right.  You deserve someone who will love you just as much as you love them; someone who is proud and grateful to God for you; someone who shows it every day of his life.  Someone who accepts your process, and sees you as the diamond you are, but first you must see yourself as the diamond you are, and never taint that just to feel the love of a man.

Hello and welcome to a glimpse into my world. I am Curtrice Williams. A southern woman born and raised in Alabama. I am 29 years old, and a mother to a wonderful 6 year old son. I am a writer committed to walking in my God given purpose. I currently work for the founder of Gentlemenhood, Pierre Alex Jeanty, as his assistant and as the editor of this website. Along with that I am the Co-Founder and face behind Gentlewomenhood. I'm a senior at the University of Alabama at Birmingham majoring in Health Education with a special concentration in Human Services. I am also the executive assistant for the fashion brand "Splashed By DKG". Motherhood, writing, education, and fashion are motivating aspects of my life, I view it all as an outlet to touch others. Gentlewomenhood is something I place a lot of my heart into, it is a beautiful way of expression that can educate, motivate, and uplift others in ways only they can truly express. It takes more than one person to make a difference in this world, but by using our gifts we can together be the change we would like to see in this world. Join me into a movement of education, clarity, inspiration, motivation, and uplifting! You may follow my handles: Instagram & Twitter @gentlewomenhood. Email: The fashion page that I am connected to is @splashedbydkg on Instagram & Twitter, and Splashed by DKG on Facebook; the official website is

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