
What destroys relationships the most nowadays.


“Entitlement is really beating us down in all aspect.  It goes with the ‘me me me’ I was talking about earlier.  We want someone perfect, although we are flawed.  We want to be with someone who’s willing to change, but we believe we shouldn’t have to change.  We want someone to make us happy, but say if they aren’t happy they’re the problem.  As he stated we need to get back to our creator and let him fulfill and complete the part of us there’s voids”.

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“Most men wont admit this, but its true.  Some try to resolve their insecurity by cheating to remind themselves they’re capable of getting other women. They play all the games, in attempt to show their woman they can walk out anytime hiding the feeling of not being good enough that taunts them.


“As someone stated in our comment section on Instagram ‘porn and sexting’ is the problem and “the internet makes temptation a lot easier’ said another one.  Lust misleading people, porn has a negative affect on us, it makes us desire sex with no intimacy.  It promotes lust and down love, it makes love seem useless, weak and lacks fun.  Since porn has become popular its been affecting us negatively, it affected me in all the wrong ways that felt good.  People are comparing their partner to these porn stars, video vixens, ig models looking at nothing but the physical nothing more. We are a sex craved generation who complain that love doesn’t exist you can’t find something right in the wrong place.  As I always sex is a product of love, but love isn’t a product of sex.

Lastly I believe a relationship with God is the most important foundation people need.  Having Christ at the center will fuel a purpose driven relationship.  You have to know love who is God to love properly.  Our generation more than ever reject God and simply operate by their beliefs, they reject morals and do what they want.  I strongly believe that’s a problem, it’s even a problem for Christians who date as they want without obey God’s instruction for their lives.

The last comment that nailed it, summed up everything.

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Pierre Alex Jeanty is regular guy who sees things different from the majority. He is the founder of Gentlemenhood. A full time blogger, Author, social media specialist, health nut, Certified Life Coach and most importantly a disciple of Christ. Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti now Alex resides in Lehigh Acres, Florida where he focuses on making a difference in this world.

This article has 2 comments

  1. Just Tin

    For me the main reasons would be these.

    First off, communication. It’s horrible nowadays. When I was in a relationship we’d chat a lot over the phone. And this doesn’t get you close to them, but to your phone. It could also potentially ruin the real life chats as there’s not going to be much left to talk about.

    Then there’s insecurity and the also the feeling of entitlement, those two can kill any relationship, no matter how great.
    Insecurity speaks for itself, I suppose. The feeling of entitlement is just wrong nowadays. People tend to look for something or someone much better than who they’re with, just because they feel they deserve someone better. Even though they generally don’t even see what they’ve got. Mainly because they’re bored or get fooled by social media (as you mentioned).

    I really do think it’s a shame where relationships are headed. Most people don’t really understand the concept of love anymore nowadays.

    One thing though, people should talk more often, be more open and willing to actually engage in conversation with their other half. Communication is key in my opinion.

    Sorry about the long and probably not ”sense-making” comment!

    (Love your Twitter & Instagram btw! <3)

    • coldo

      Entitlement!!!’ve hit the nail on the head…social networks also to blame..agreed! !

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